Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jesus Sojourning/

"It was while sojourning int the northern Arabia that Jesus had access to the library that hat been collected from India, Persia, and the Trans-Himalayan region. Here Jesus first contacted the secret teachings of the Brotherhood. This teachings only served to drive home more firmly the conviction already forming, that the true mystery of life was God expressed through the Chirst in the individual. He saw that, in order to express this fully, he must withdraw from all forms of worship and worship God expressing through the individual, and God alone. He saw that in order to demonstrate  this fully, he would be obliged to withdraw from those who had taught him, even though by withdrawing he should incur their displeasure. This did not deter him for a moment, so steadfast was he in his devotion to his cause and the great service he saw he could render to the world by that devotion."
"He saw that if man ever arose to the lofty power of that mighty Indwelling Presence; if a mighty Son of God, on in whom the Divine Wisdom abode in fullest measure; one rich in the outpouring richness of all of God's treasures, the fountain of the outpouring waters of life, the Lord, or law of compassion and wisdom; was actually to take flesh upon earth, he must come forth and claim these possessions. Then, with pure motive he must live the life and he would bring forth that life, to which manifest Presence the name of the Christ has been given."
"He stood forth and boldly  proclaimed that the Christ that abode in him abode in all; that the celestial voice that proclaimed him the Beloved Son proclaimed all sons of God, joint heirs, and brothers all. This epoch is marked at his baptism when the Spirit was seen descending from heaven like a dove upon him and it abode with him. He also said all are God's manifest in the flesh."
"He boldly taught that ignorance is the cause of all sin. He saw that, in order to practice forgiveness or the science of forgiveness, man must be enlightened to the fact that man has the power to forgive all sin, discord, and inharmony; that it is not God who forgives sin, for God has nothing to do with the sin, sickness, and inharmony of man; that man, himself, brought these into being and man is the only one who can erase or forgive them. He saw that man must learn that ignorance is disregard and lack of understanding both of Divine Mind as the Creative Principle and of his relation to that Principle. He saw that man have all intellectual knowledge and be versed in worldly affairs, yet if he does not recognize the Christ as the living, vitalizing essence of God within him, he is grossly ignorant of the most important factor governing his life. He quickly saw the inconsistency of asking a perfectly just and loving Father to heal a disease or sin. He taught that disease is the effect of sin and that forgiveness  is an important facto in healing; that sickness is not punishment sent from God, as many believe it to be, but is the result of man's misunderstanding of his real being. He taught that it is the Truth which sets free.  The purity of his teachings has caused them to outlive those of his teachers."
"when Peter said that he forgave seven time, Jesus' answer was that he forgave seventy times seven, then went on forgiving until the act was universal. In order to forgive hate, he centered his attention on love. This was not only when it touched  his life, but when he saw it manifest in the world about him. This Truth was the inherent light that he saw in all, which would lead them out of darkness when applied with understanding. He knew that every overcomer was covenanted with his Lord to be continually forgiving sin, in meeting every inharmony with Truth; and this was his way of being about his Father's business. He saw and understood that in no other way could the earth be transformed and peace and harmony prevail among men and he said, 'If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.'
"In order to appreciate the full value of this statement, you may ask, 'What is the Father?' The Father is Life, Love, Power, and Dominion and all of these attributes belong to the child by rightful inheritance. This  is what Paul meant when he said we are joint heirs with Christ to the God Kingdom. This does not mean that one has more than another. This does not mean that the eldest son gets the larger portion and the other half is divided by measure to the remaining children. To be a joint heir, with Christ, to the Kingdom means to be an equal participant in all the blessings of the God Kingdom."
"The great Master made it clear that, while it did take some human will power to start, the mere human will is not a great factor in the case, the great factor being divine understanding. How many times did he say, 'You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.' 
Life and Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East