Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The Gift
We go through a day creating thoughts, imagining them as well as speaking them. But have we ever really thought about that thought or thoughts, where they come from and why? Then that is not enough we imagine them as well, so when do they come reality? We go a little further we speak our thoughts, have they become reality? Spoken thought. I Thought I throw this one out see if i get feed back.  Love You All One Whole Lots.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Imposible to study Man without Including God

"It is imposible to study the nature of God without including man, so in this lesson it will be impossible to consider man without further study of God. The one presupposes the other and they are inseparable. It is impossible to have a king without a kingdom and it is impossible to have a kingdom without a king. It is inconceivable to imagine a creator without his creation and certainly there could be no creation without a creator. They are but the two aspects of a single thing and without the one there could not be the other. Man is therefore an indispensable part of the Universal whole."
"The Masters' thought of man is that he is in his true estate, always active, and is that through which Principle works or comes into manifestation. As they often put it: "Man projecting God; Man becoming God; the very Ideal of all Perfection; God selective but completely universal." Selection evidently came about through man's thought entirely. The Masters; thought is always that man must make the selection out of the Whole or out of complete Principle or Spirit. And that means, of course, that man never does get away from his true Being or true origin. Every man is his own determining factor and that factor is always absolutely one with Principle, never separated and never dependent upon anything but Principle."
"And bring us back to the eternal Unity of all thing and the inseparable relationship which exists between God and man. This point can not be stressed too strongly for the illumined have always taught that there is not God and Man, there is only God. Man is a unit in and with the Infinite and, as such, contains within himself all the potentialities of Infinity and all of Infinity is accessible to him. Man is ONE in and with the Universe."      Masters Teachings

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Your Body As The Living Temple of God

"Flesh does not need to be spiritualized; it is already spirit in manifestation, just as water is oxygen and hydrogen in manifest form. The water is one in and with its source and is identical in nature with its source. To separate oxygen and hydrogen from water would be to disintegrate the water itself. "Your body is the temple of the living God" in axactly the same manner and, when reunited with its source, the body becomes pure and perfect as radiant light, the Light that was in the beginning and out of which all things were formed. That which makes the body appear to be something else is the clouded mentality that has impose itself between the flesh and its true source. The body –– Temple of the livingGod –– has become a den of thieves, robbing the body of its true sustaining principle." Teachings of the Masters