Sunday, April 8, 2012

Beloved Archangel GABRIEL Angel of Resurrection

Wow it has been a while since I shared the Angels, it is amazing that I was ready to share them going on two week now, but I was not able to find the book until Thursday I ran into it. Said to self here it is time to share had not opened the book until this morning and just made me cry "GABRIEL ANGEL OF RESURRECTION" What is Today "RESURRECTION DAY" and this is His song. "I believe they are speaking to us Today this moment, if we have that moment of steel-ness we would hear them clearly yes".


Gabriel! The glory of God announcing—
  Let Thy power set all Earth free—
Let all men, the shadows of Earth renouncing,
  Bow before thee and bend the knee.
Great glorious Archangel, flood all God's light
      to change all—
  All that was never meant to be—
Now and for Eternity.
  Archangel dear, Thy voice so clear
Announces Freedom NOW HERE!
  Bring from the Sun, light's Victory won—
and love to dry every tear.
O! Gabriel! we love Thee well! WE LOVE

Dear heart friend! The power of God immortal,
  Call white fire to cleanse the Earth.
Call those home, prepared now for Heaven's
  In Ascension and love's new birth.
Part of creation's glory, teach all mankind the
  All the perfection meant to be
For all of mankind to see.
  Land, sea and air, this Earth so fair
Was once as bright as the Sun!
  Now shadows flee, no more to be—
At last light's victory is won!
  Thy radiant light, from Heaven's height,

Gabriel dear! To Thee and Thy dear loved
  All perfection of light We call.
Dispensations, power of light's perfection
  God now gives Thee to raise us all.
Command all men's attention fixed on the goal—
  Knowing the purpose of all life—
Completely free from all strife.
  Angels and men walk Earth again
Enjoying love's ecstasy;
  To Thee, dear friend, love without end
For bringing earth victory.
  The shadows gone Earth travels on—A SUN
    TO BE!

Gabriel!  Accept Freedom's adoration—
  His great blessings forever flow
To Your world and those of the great Archangels,
  Helping Earth Freedom NOW TO KNOW.
Light's victory now revealing, great Freedom's
    bells are pealing—
  Anthems` of Freedom angels sing.
Love's resurrection They bring.
  We love Thy Name! Great Freedom's Flame
Has brought the "I AM" to all!
  "I AM" in Thee! Thou art in me! "I AM"
      ALL FREE!
            or ALL EARTH IS FREE!

Melody: Intermezzo from "Cavallera Rusticana"
                                                                         Key of b flat

"The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak"

Well there you have it today this moment we are being awaken to shed the vail that has been coveting Our Freedom.
Love From my Heart to Yours........Love

Saturday, March 10, 2012



And this is the song sung back in March 21, 1954 when a group of Brothers where brought together by those who believed back then in our Archangels.


Jophiel, dear Archangel,
  Come! and bring Illumination's Flames!
We call—come! and teach all—
  The power of creation in God's Name!
Sadness turns to gladness
  When the angels walk and talk with men—
Hasten, dear Archangel, that glorious age upon
  our earth again!

Jophiel, friend and brother—
  Teaching angels, masters and all men—
Illumine  all that's human
  And raise the Earth to God's great heart again!
Our praise to Thee all ways
  And to Those Who serve with Thee as well—
For Thy Flame of Wisdom
  Which comes to Earth fore'er with us dwell

Jophiel, God's annointed—
  Let Thy overwhelming love release!
Help all give obedience
  That brings forgiveness, healing and God's
We call—come and raise all!
  Free the Earth and all that is thereon!
Let LIGHT take dominion.
  By Love Divine expand the Comic dawn!

Jophiel, we all bless Thee!
  Unascended friends who love Thee well!
Grateful for Thy service
  To all the Earth so great no tongue can tell!
Attend all! and ascend all
  Who with dear Serapis Victory claim—
Freedom's gifts of glory–
We call for Jophiel and His dear Heart Flame!

(Melody: "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" (old song).)
                                                                  Key of F

And I am bringing Them to You through sharing my heart believes to be True.
They are there for Us to call on Them. They get so happy when one of Us call
for They don't interfere unless We call. So there We have it.

"The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak"

Friday, March 2, 2012

Archangel Raphael Angel of Consecration

Our Beloved Archangel Raphael is the Angel of Consecration. Consecration is dedication to God's Love. It is there within, we just need to be aware of the awareness.
His song goes like this:


Hark! to the glorious Archangel
  Singing in Earth's atmosphere—
Listen! It's beautiful Raphael
  Flooding His light far and near.
See! In its radiant splendor
  Naught but Perfection can live.
Hear! As He speaks thru each heartbeat
  "FEEL Love's great mercy—FORGIVE!"

Response—(Softly with deep feeling)

"Consecrate met to Earth's great Victory!
  Lift her strain and her stress
  By light's great happiness!
Every heart sings as our Raphael brings
  Healing in His great wings."

Give all your world to our Raphael.
  All who would Heaven regain.
He'll flood His power of love thru you,
  Lifting discomfort and pain.
Call to this glorious Archangel
  Hold yourself quiet within—
Wait for His current of blessing—
  In your new life will begin.

Raphael, our glorious Archangel.
  Make us Your beauty and peace.
Bring us Your Heavenly Legions,
  Let mankind's struggle now cease!
Loving and blessing You all ways,
  Raphael, to God's heart we call—
"Flood forth great oceans of glory
  To Raphael and Archangels all."

Final Chorus—

"Consecrate me to Earth's great Victory!
  Lift her strain and her stress
  By light's great happiness!
Every heart sings and accepts as He brings
  Healing in His great wings."

       (Hymn tune: "Whispering Hope"
                                      Key of C

"The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak"

I am grateful to have found this Hymns, when you ask for truth it come your way.
Source will not miss lead Us for we are seeking His Truth.  Being in the moment brings every desire the heart has been longing for to connect Within.

Love from here to there.......

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Alvelia's Blogfornow: Beloved Archangel Zadkiel Angel of Invocation

Alvelia's Blogfornow: Beloved Archangel Zadkiel Angel of Invocation: This Morning the Archangels have called they want to share with All. This is a song to Archangel Zadkiel. The melody "Oh! How I Miss You Ton...

Beloved Archangel Zadkiel Angel of Invocation

This Morning the Archangels have called they want to share with All. This is a song to Archangel Zadkiel. The melody "Oh! How I Miss You Tonight" (old song) Key of "G"

Zadkiel, Archangel dear—
  Coming to earth today,
Winging your way to us here,
  Bringing us Freedom's Ray;
Lift our attention on high,
  Make us of Your world a part.
For your Being so selfless,
  So willing to help us—
O! Zadkiel dear, bless your heart!

Zadkiel, Brother of Light
  Flood Earth with Violet Fire!
Help us to make all things right,
  Purify all desire
Take away pain and distress,
They Are Here.....
  Let all in peace now abide,
Let the love of God seal all
  In Flame that will heal all,
And angels stay close by our side.

Zadkiel—Eternal Friend—
  All through the ages past,
Help us all good to defend,
  Bringing Earth home at last!
We hold you close in our heart,
  Archangels—Archaii true—
For your service unending
  Our praise is ascending—
O! Great Central Sun—BLESS THEM TOO!

From "The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak"

We are All One Love One, Vibration Oneness, no beginning no end.
This Words were recorded Back in 1954, I was only nine months old when this Archangels came and Spoke to the human raise. And here I am reading their beautiful words half a century later.

Just sharing and being obedient to the Voice not even a voice is the knowing HIM....


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Song To Archangel Chamuel

I am so excited to find this song to the Archangels. Does anyone know the Melody (song): "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" Key of b flat? For I have no melody in us yet.
Will share the Song I found:


" Chamuel, dear Archangel
Adoration's flame!
Teach mankind the magic
of the "I AM' name.
Blaze Thy Light before Thee—
Come to earth today!
Make mankind remember
Living Love's sweet way.

Chamuel, our Beloved,
Teach us gratitude ,
Praise and adoration,
Make all feel the sweetness
Of the Father's Love—
Tell all Light's Perfection
waits for them above!

Chamuel, Friend Eternal—
We adore Thy Name!
With the dear Venetian
Let us balance claim.
Tolerant understanding
Born of Love's Third Ray,
Sees Perfection all ways
Every passing day.

Chamuel, we adore Thee
and Thy Brothers Bright—
All our worlds are anchored
In Thy Heavenly Light
Mighty Silent Wacher
From the Realms above—
Flood our dear Archangels
with Thy Gifts of Love!"

"The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak"

Aren't  they Beautiful Word to Sing, but like I say I have no melody, so I just read out of harmony my own shaky voice. Enjoy I have. Love

Will give another one soon...........

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The Gift
We go through a day creating thoughts, imagining them as well as speaking them. But have we ever really thought about that thought or thoughts, where they come from and why? Then that is not enough we imagine them as well, so when do they come reality? We go a little further we speak our thoughts, have they become reality? Spoken thought. I Thought I throw this one out see if i get feed back.  Love You All One Whole Lots.