Sunday, April 8, 2012

Beloved Archangel GABRIEL Angel of Resurrection

Wow it has been a while since I shared the Angels, it is amazing that I was ready to share them going on two week now, but I was not able to find the book until Thursday I ran into it. Said to self here it is time to share had not opened the book until this morning and just made me cry "GABRIEL ANGEL OF RESURRECTION" What is Today "RESURRECTION DAY" and this is His song. "I believe they are speaking to us Today this moment, if we have that moment of steel-ness we would hear them clearly yes".


Gabriel! The glory of God announcing—
  Let Thy power set all Earth free—
Let all men, the shadows of Earth renouncing,
  Bow before thee and bend the knee.
Great glorious Archangel, flood all God's light
      to change all—
  All that was never meant to be—
Now and for Eternity.
  Archangel dear, Thy voice so clear
Announces Freedom NOW HERE!
  Bring from the Sun, light's Victory won—
and love to dry every tear.
O! Gabriel! we love Thee well! WE LOVE

Dear heart friend! The power of God immortal,
  Call white fire to cleanse the Earth.
Call those home, prepared now for Heaven's
  In Ascension and love's new birth.
Part of creation's glory, teach all mankind the
  All the perfection meant to be
For all of mankind to see.
  Land, sea and air, this Earth so fair
Was once as bright as the Sun!
  Now shadows flee, no more to be—
At last light's victory is won!
  Thy radiant light, from Heaven's height,

Gabriel dear! To Thee and Thy dear loved
  All perfection of light We call.
Dispensations, power of light's perfection
  God now gives Thee to raise us all.
Command all men's attention fixed on the goal—
  Knowing the purpose of all life—
Completely free from all strife.
  Angels and men walk Earth again
Enjoying love's ecstasy;
  To Thee, dear friend, love without end
For bringing earth victory.
  The shadows gone Earth travels on—A SUN
    TO BE!

Gabriel!  Accept Freedom's adoration—
  His great blessings forever flow
To Your world and those of the great Archangels,
  Helping Earth Freedom NOW TO KNOW.
Light's victory now revealing, great Freedom's
    bells are pealing—
  Anthems` of Freedom angels sing.
Love's resurrection They bring.
  We love Thy Name! Great Freedom's Flame
Has brought the "I AM" to all!
  "I AM" in Thee! Thou art in me! "I AM"
      ALL FREE!
            or ALL EARTH IS FREE!

Melody: Intermezzo from "Cavallera Rusticana"
                                                                         Key of b flat

"The Seven Beloved Archangels Speak"

Well there you have it today this moment we are being awaken to shed the vail that has been coveting Our Freedom.
Love From my Heart to Yours........Love

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