Friday, October 15, 2010

Mount Shasta, California

Gosh, were do I begin? Well lets go back several years back while driving toward Vancouver, Canada. Second trip at that notice  Beloved Mount Shasta who now lives in my heart and Soul the Mountain came home with me. There are no words to explain the experience and energy of love surrounding the Mountain. No one was a stranger, everyone knew each other. Mind connecting, knowing past experiences with this loving Souls.  Connecting regardless what was happening in the surface, beautiful Souls. Notice we all had our hang-up's, but, we were all in one accord mind set, following one guidance the Rays of God, MotherFather, Mother Earth, Jesus, Buddha...... whom ever is your Creator all One/Oneness. What matters is that we have "LOVE" for one and another, respect the "SOUL" that you are, and let us see the difference in our selves, before we even begin to see change in others. Be open to whatever come thy way, be grateful and live the moment regardless what it is. Life is what you Create yourself/myself, it is not the other, they are trying to figure out what the heck is going on with them, let alone.......... let us take responsibility of our own Creations and stop making excuses and ground yourself to your "SOUL." My Soul and strength right at this moment is Mount Shasta who is connecting with my Soul through Mother Earth.......

Monday, October 4, 2010

Purslane Recipe

Purslane Salad
2 Bunches of Purslane
1 Bunch Cilantro
1 White Onion
3 Tomatoes

Chop your Purslane to your liking stems and all.
Slice your tomatoes to your liking.
Slice onion.
The Cilantro you just want the leaves the stems are too bitter.
Toss all ingredients together and enjoy.

Use your favorite salad dressing.

A common herb that grows almost everywhere, is high in the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).
For those of us on low-fat, cleansing, live-food diet. Good for building ojas.

From Velia's Kitchen Love.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Who Am I?

Hello, first of all let me tell you who I am not. I am not a Poet, Writer or even know grammar rules and sometimes i forget how to spell. But that will not stop me from sharing what is in my heart. Sometimes they will be my thoughts, and others times will be thoughts of other great minds. It is about waking up and not taking life so seriously, we are conditioned that we need to be this or that way, but by whose standard? Who gives a hoot what we are, what we look like, what our color is, etc. etc. what matters is that we are!  "One with Source/God" whom ever you believe in same "Oneness" Whole  "O" circle, there is no way out wake up it is all about "LOVE." There must be harmony with all there is otherwise we ourselves are out of balance. Look at your life know and ask yourself "Who Am I?" Begin with that, but when you ask this question, be ready to receive and be open to all that will be revealed to your heart, remember to love thyself there is where the great secret lays/lies.

With Love Alvelia Antillon